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Leonel Morales Alonso

Famous Spanish pianist, the professor of Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and Salzburg International Art and Music Festival, and the featured artist of Yangtze River Piano

Leonel Morales Alonso

Famous Spanish pianist, the professor of Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio and Salzburg International Art and Music Festival, and the featured artist of Yangtze River Piano

“The first time I was introduced to Yangtze River piano was in the 4th China Shenzhen International Piano Concerto Competition. At that time, I was invited to be a competition juror. As I recalled, participants could choose whether to use a Steinway or Yangtze River piano in the competition. Even though Steinway is world-renowned piano brand, I found that half of the participants chose Yangtze River Piano to be their competition pianos, that is to say, the quality of Yangtze River Pianos is good enough to convince the participants to use it. During that competition, I played the Yangtze River piano for the first time and used it to give a piano lesson to the participants. I was amazed at its wonderful and beautiful sound and fell in love with it.”